A flowerpot of ashes from the fire of liberty…tokens of hope and truth preserved for future generations who dare to believe that there was once something else.

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A few random posts…

  • Summary (nonracism)
    Racism is morally repugnant. So is Kendiangeloniansm. They are far too influential at the moment. What can be done? A summary of the category.
  • Contempt of/for the Rulers
    One disturbing feature of civic life in 21st century USA is the mutual contempt between the ruling class and the working class
  • Summary (Anti-oikophobia)
    Summary and recommendations for (hopefully) opposing the formation of oikophobia in USA version 2
  • Definitions, part 3 (CRT and Systemic Racism)
    Defining Systemic Racism and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Contrasting the two, and discussing some other ways the term CRT is used.
  • Exposition (Anti-postmodernism)
    A modest expansion of the earlier discussion of the nature of postmodernism, based on Pluckrose and Lindsay's "two principles and four themes" outline.