A single page containing short summaries (with links) of each category and post on this website.

Categorized as About

Summary (Christianity)

As we move (perhaps) closer to actual persecution of the American Church, return to basics: read how the first century Church dealt with persecution and heresy.

Dangers to orthodox Christianity

Dangers to orthodox Christianity include opposition from without and heresy from within. Both are principally (though not exclusively) from the political left.

Contempt of/for the Rulers

One disturbing feature of civic life in 21st century USA is the mutual contempt between the ruling class and the working class

Categorized as Misc Tagged

Victimhood culture

An introduction to, and brief exploration of, the notion of “victimhood culture” as a successor to honor culture and dignity culture.

Categorized as Misc Tagged

Economics – Debt and Deficit

General economic advice, largely opposition and alternatives to deficit spending and high levels of debt (compared to GDP)

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